
Write a program that will power up our gauntlets to deflect attacks when we raise our arms, and then turn off when we lower our arms.

Attach USB cable

  • Insert the small end of your USB cable into the silver port at one end of the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express.
  • Insert the big end of the USB cable into your computer.

USB cable

Getting started

New Project button

Set the volume and brightness

  • Click on the ||loops:LOOPS|| Toolbox drawer.
  • Drag out an ||loops:on start|| block onto the workspace.

Pull out on start block

  • From the ||music:MUSIC|| Toolbox drawer, scroll down and drag out a ||music:set volume|| block and drop into the ||loops:on start|| block.

Pull out set volume block

  • In the ||music:set volume|| block, set the maximum volume of 255.

Maximum setting on volume slider

  • Click on the ||light:LIGHT|| Toolbox drawer, drag out a ||light:set brightness|| block and drop into the ||loops:on start|| block.
  • In the ||light:set brightness|| block, set the maximum brightness of 255.

Pull out set brightness block


Play a Sound and Animation

  • From the ||input:INPUT|| Toolbox drawer, drag an ||input:on shake|| block onto the Workspace.

Pull out on shake block

  • In the ||input:on shake|| block, click on the ||input:shake|| drop down menu and select ||input:tilt down||.

Selecting tilt down

  • From the ||music:MUSIC|| Toolbox drawer, drag out a ||music:play sound block|| and drop into the ||input:on tilt down|| block.
  • In the ||music:play sound block|| block, click on the drop-down menu to select a sound effect you want to play.

Selecting magic wand sound

  • You can test out the different sounds in the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express simulator by moving your mouse towards the top.

CPX simulator

  • From the ||light:LIGHT|| Toolbox drawer, drag out a ||light:show animation|| block and drop into the ||input:on tilt down|| block.

Pull out show animation block

  • In the ||light:show animation|| block, click on the animation design drop-down and select an animation to play.
  • In the ||light:show animation|| block, click on the 500 ms drop-down menu and select 2 seconds (or 2000 milliseconds) as the duration to play the animation.

Select time for show animation block

Turn off gauntlets

  • From the ||input:INPUT|| Toolbox drawer, drag another ||input:on shake|| block onto the Workspace.

Pull out on shake block

  • In the ||input:on shake|| block, click on the ||input:shake|| drop down menu and select ||input:tilt up||.

Selecting tilt up

  • From the ||light:LIGHT|| Toolbox drawer, scroll down, drag out a ||light:clear|| block and drop into the ||input:on tilt up|| block.
input.onGesture(Gesture.TiltUp, function () {
  • From the ||music:MUSIC|| Toolbox drawer, drag out a ||music:play sound|| block and drop into the ||input:on tilt up|| block.
  • In the ||music:play sound|| block, click on the drop-down menu to select a sound effect you want to play when your gauntlets turn off.

Selecting jump down sound

Your complete program should look similar to this:

input.onGesture(Gesture.TiltDown, function () {
    light.showAnimation(light.cometAnimation, 2000)
input.onGesture(Gesture.TiltUp, function () {


In the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express Simulator window, test your project by moving your mouse up and down on the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express. You should see the lights turn on and off and hear sounds play.

Program in simulator


Click the big pink Download button.

Download button

This will save your program as a file in the Downloads folder on your computer. Using your computer’s file explorer, open the Downloads folder, you should see a file there called circuitplayground-Untitled.uf2. This is your program.

Downloads folder

Now, check the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board that is plugged into your computer via the USB cable, and make sure that all the lights are green. If they are not green, press and release the RESET button in the middle of the board until all the lights turn green.

Reset button on CPX

Using your computer’s file explorer, you should see the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express show up as a USB drive called CPLAYBOOT. Drag and drop (or copy and paste) your circuitplayground-Untitled.uf2 program file from the Downloads folder into the CPLAYBOOT drive.


That’s it! Congratulations on Making and Coding your very own indestructible Legendary Gauntlets.

Wonder Woman Gauntlets demonstration